What Do You Need?
Horse riding is a thrilling and enjoyable experience for both riders and their equine partners. To ensure you have the best time possible, it’s important to make sure that you have all of the necessary horse-riding accessories. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced rider, having the right horse-riding accessories is essential to ensure your safety and enjoyment while out on the trails or in the arena. From helmets to saddles and everything in between, equestrian gear can help protect riders of all ages and abilities from potential hazards when riding their horses. In this article, we will discuss some of the key horse-riding accessories that every rider should have to maximize their safety and experience while enjoying time with their horse.
Horse Rider Equipment
These are some of the essential items you need when riding a horse.
1. Riding pants
Riding pants are special clothes that you wear when riding a horse. They are usually made of strong material and help to keep you safe while riding. Breeches or jodhpurs are two different types of riding pants. Breeches are shorter, coming down just below your knees, whereas jodhpurs go all the way to the ankles. Riding pants will also have reinforced seams and other features that help protect against any potential hazards while riding. Breeches are made with thin fabric that allows you to stay cool and comfortable, perfect for summer riding. Jodhpurs are made with thicker fabric that helps keep your legs warm in the winter months. They fit snugly and help to keep you safe and secure while riding.
2. Shirt
When riding a horse, you need to wear special clothes. For the top part, you must wear a shirt made of breathable fabric that will not restrict your movement. This type of shirt helps keep you safe and comfortable while riding. Many different types of shirts are available specially made for horseback riding. Choose a shirt with long sleeves to protect your arms from the sun and to help you stay warm in colder weather.
3. Footwear
When you ride a horse, it is important to wear the right shoes. Good riding boots are essential for protecting your feet. The boots should be made of leather or rubber and should have a low heel along with a comfortable fit. Riding boots can help to keep you secure in the stirrups while riding and will also protect your toes from any potential hazards. You can choose tall boots that come up to your knees or short paddock boots. Tall boots protect your legs and keep them warm in the cold weather. Short paddock boots are good for summer because they are made with breathable material that helps keep you cool. Tall boots also help keep your feet secure in the stirrups so you can have better balance and control. Make sure the boots you choose fit snugly but still allow you to move freely.
4. Half chaps
Half chaps are special clothes you wear when riding a horse. They cover your legs from the ankles to halfway up your calves, and they help keep you safe while riding. Half chaps fit snugly and help to keep your feet secure in the stirrups. They also protect your legs from any potential hazards while riding. Even if you are wearing long-riding pants, half chaps will help keep your legs warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
5. Helmet
It is important to wear a special helmet when riding a horse. The helmet helps keep you safe in case of any accidents. It should fit snugly on your head and not be too loose or tight. It also needs to be made from strong material that can protect your head if there is an accident. Look for helmets that have a harness or chin strap to keep the helmet secure and in place when riding. It is important to look for helmets that are specially designed for equestrians so they properly protect your head while out on the trails or in the arena.
6. Riding vest
A riding vest is a special type of clothing that you wear when riding a horse. It fits tightly and helps to keep you safe while riding. The vest helps to protect your back and chest from any potential hazards while on the horse. It also helps to keep you warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather. Riding vests come in different colours and styles, so make sure you choose one that fits properly and is comfortable for riding.
7. Riding gloves
Riding gloves are special gloves you wear when riding a horse. They help keep your hands safe and protected from any potential hazards while riding. They also help to give you a better grip on the reins so you can have more control of the horse. Riding gloves come in different styles and sizes, so make sure you choose ones that fit comfortably and securely on your hands. Make sure the gloves are made from breathable material that won’t make your hands sweaty or uncomfortable.
Horse Riding Equipment Must-Haves

Saddle, saddle pad, and girth
When you ride a horse, you need special things like a saddle, saddle pad, and girth. A saddle is what you sit on when riding a horse. It helps keep your feet secure in the stirrups so you have better control of the horse. A saddle pad goes under the saddle to help protect the horse’s back from any potential hazards while riding. The girth attaches to the saddle and wraps around the horse’s body to help keep it secure on its back while being ridden.
Stirrup irons and leather
Stirrup irons and leather are used when riding a horse. The stirrup iron is the metal part that goes around your foot to help keep you secure in the saddle. The leather goes over the iron and helps hold it on your foot. They help you have better control of the horse while riding. Make sure the stirrup iron and leather are in good condition before using them.
Bridle, reins, and bit
Bridles, reins, and bits are special items used when riding a horse. The bridle is like a head collar for the horse and it helps you control the horse when riding. The reins attach to the bridle and help you communicate with the horse while riding. The bit goes in the horse’s mouth and helps you control its speed and direction when riding. All three items need to fit properly and be in good condition before using them.
Grooming Instruments
Grooming instruments are tools used to take care of a horse. Brushes help clean the horse’s coat and remove dirt. Combs help untangle the hair on its mane and tail. Hoof picks help keep the horse’s hooves clean and healthy. Clippers can be used to trim or clip a horse’s mane and tail for special events or competitions. A sweat scraper helps get rid of water from a wet horse after it has been bathed or ridden in the rain. Finally, sponges are good for cleaning around a horse’s eyes, ears, nose, and mouth areas.
Fly Repellent
Fly repellent is a special type of product used when riding horses. It helps keep flies away from the horse so it isn’t bothered while you are riding. Fly repellent comes in different forms like sprays, lotions, and shampoos that can be applied to the horse’s coat before or during a ride. Make sure to use a product that is made specifically for horses and follow the instructions properly.
Horse Blanket or sheet
A horse blanket or sheet is something you put on a horse when riding. It helps keep the horse warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather. The blanket or sheet also protects the horse from scratches and bugs while you ride. Make sure the blanket or sheet fits properly and is made from a breathable material.
First aid kit
A first aid kit is essential when you are riding horses. It should include items like bandages, antiseptic wipes and ointment, scissors, splints, hoof picks and more. Make sure to keep your kit stocked with the necessary items and replace any expired products. Having a first aid kit on hand helps you be prepared in case of an emergency while riding.
These are just some of the items you should have when riding horses. Make sure to always wear appropriate safety gear like helmets, boots, and gloves before getting on a horse. Also, always check your equipment before each ride to make sure everything is in good condition and fits properly. Following these steps can help keep you safe while enjoying the great sport of horseback riding.